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Train your team the way you've always wanted .

The traditional trade school route isn’t right for every business and every employee. With Apprenticeship America, your employees learn online and through on-the-job training.


Robust Online Courses

We’ve developed a library of Department of Labor online coursework to push your apprenticeship program into the 21st century. Students login for 2-3 hours each week and learn the ins and outs of your particular trade.


Updates in Your Inbox

You’re busy. That’s why ApprentiForce Recruit automates next-generation recruitment for you. Our platform connects with hundreds of schools, providing the data needed to showcase your opportunities to the right students at the right time.


Offline Manuals

Your employees shouldn’t have to stay on a computer all day in order to track your apprentices’ learned competencies. Easily print our ready-made service manager guides and enter them into ApprentiForce whenever you’re ready!

Want to learn more?

Join one of our weekly informational webinars or schedule a one-on-one demonstration with someone on our customer success team!

We’re building something big.

Put data to work

Each year, students across the United States complete a career interest survey. The data collected from these surveys is invaluable to businesses seeking to connect with emerging talent.

Affordable Recruiting & Training Solutions


Recruit from all high schools in a 30-mile radius
$ 250
  • Student engagement opportunities
  • Unlimited ApprentiForce access
  • Weekly student recruitment report
  • Premium tech support


Department of Labor approved coursework
$ 200
  • Scale up & down as needed
  • Unlimited ApprentiForce access
  • Weekly student update reports
  • Premium tech support

More products from Apprenticeship America​

The workforce shortage, solved.

Work-Based Learning

Premium engagement tools to revolutionize or start your school’s work-based learning program.

Student Career Surveys

AI-powered career interest survey and job planning tools for all students.


Simplified engagement opportunities with every high school near you.

Apprentice Training

Department of Labor approved coursework and competency reporting.