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Expand student opportunities for free

When I Group Up (WiGU) is the #1 way high schools can help students explore career opportunities with relevant local employers. WiGU is an AI-powered work-based learning platform that automates much of the work-based learning process. 

Student Opportunties Shouldn't be Limited by School Resources

Work-based learning is the future of education, but schools often lack the staff to provide these opportunities to every student. With an average counselor-to-student ratio of 1:385, assisting all students interested in connecting with employers can be challenging. The solution to expanding student opportunities is leveraging technology.

Students Take an AI-Powered Career Survey ​

Organize Students Into Career Clusters

View multiple students at a glance and verify their career interests and level of interest.

Easily Plan Student Engagements​

Powerful Student Engagement Planner​

Easily group your students based on grade and career interests and scheduling purposes. 

Easy Employer Engagement ​

Connect Students to Local Employers

We pre-load your WiGU environment with hundreds of local businesses categorized by career cluster and the jobs they hire for, automating the student to employer connection. 

Year founded
Participating Schools
+ 0
Listed Businesses
+ 0

We’ve automated 80% of the work load so you can focus on the 20% that makes a direct impact on students.

Our platform automatically connects with area employers so engagement with your school is fast and simple.

Our tools allow a student to quickly explore careers paths and gain insights into future opportunties.

School administrators can better understand their students’ interests and career goals and match them with local companies.

A simple reporting dashboard allows you to easily find opportunities like job shadows, internships, apprenticeships, and more.

WiGU’s use of AI increases your ability to help more students without increasing your workload.

Expand Student Opportunities with WiGU

A 100% free AI-powered work-based learning engagement platform.

Want to learn more?

Join one of our weekly informational webinars or schedule a one-on-one demonstration with someone on our customer success team!

Work-based learning is about building relationships with your students. Let technology do the boring stuff. Â